In which episode will Mustafa, the eldest son of the Sultan die?

 Mustafa, the eldest son of Sultan Suleiman, will die in episode one hundred and twenty-three. The Padishah experienced incredible agony before he made a cruel decision. Mustafa received a message from his father. The Sultan ordered his son to come to him immediately. The shehzadeh's relatives dissuade him from going. But Mustafa cannot disobey the padishah. In addition, he still believes his father's oath. Once Sultan Suleiman vowed that he would not harm his son.

Mustafa's associates are going to raise a riot in order to remove the padishah. Only the throne will save Mustafa from execution. Another message came to his son from his father. Mustafa is forbidden to put up a tent on the territory of the camp. Shehzadeh must appear before the sovereign. Everyone is sure that this is a verdict. But Mustafa believes that those close to him are mistaken. He is sure that paternal love will make the Sultan believe him.

But the black carriage has already appeared in the camp. Jihangir wants to talk to his father. Shehzade asks the ruler to listen to Mustafa. The executioners are hidden in the black carriage. Everyone is trying to dissuade the shehzade from meeting with the sovereign. Companions are confident that Mustafa will be killed. He no longer knows who to trust.

Jihangir made his way into his brother's tent. He tries to convince Mustafa that the ruler will forgive the shehzade. Mustafa was convinced that his death was near.

Six executioners are ready to go. Their faces are hidden, in the hands of one of them is a silk cord. Mustafa writes a letter to his father. After that, he put on ceremonial clothes. Shehzade went to his father. The Janissaries blocked his way. They ask the shehzade to stop, not to go to certain death.

In Mustafa's palace, by some unknown means, there was a dead bird. Mahidevran feels that trouble awaits her son. Mustafa was ordered to surrender his weapons. He entered the master's tent unarmed. The guards blocked the entrance to the tent. The lord accused Mustafa of treason. The executioners are ready to go. The doomed shehzadeh fought for his life. He called for his father, but the padishah urged the executioners to finish the work as soon as possible.

Mustafa managed to get out, but he was not allowed to escape. The unfortunate shehzade was strangled. The Sultan is crying over the body of his dead son.
